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Learning To Love And Take Care Of Your Body As A Mother


Hey guys! First off I want to shout out and applaud all of the women reading this who have just recently entered in to the new journey of motherhood. God bless you all in your daily strive to be and give everything that you are to your tiny little human(s). Being a mom, to me, is the hardest, biggest, most rewarding, inspiring and loving role that we as women will ever have in our lives. One of the best things about it is that as we take part in helping our children grow, we are also provided with the great fortune to learn and grow. It is a true blessing. So whether you are a new mom, five years in like myself, or even beyond that.. this post is for you! Even if you are someone who is trying to conceive or getting close to your delivery date, these tips will serve a purpose to you too as our bodies begin to change very early when it comes on to producing and then having kids. I hope that after reading this this blog post you are able to look at your body in a positive and compassionate light, and that you continue to do so as you do all of the things that motherhood requires of you and your body. Because let's face it, our bodies have gotten us and our babies through so many important stages as mothers, which should always be remembered and close to the top of our gratitude list!

1. Be thankful for all that your body has been able to do even in the midst of all of the changes it has endured.

Change is inevitable. This reigns true for our bodies as well. Change your thoughts and language in to that which is supportive of body positivity and enjoy the present body that you're in, even if it looks different than it may have a couple of months or years ago!

2. Speak to your body positively and soon enough you will observe that your little ones will learn to follow suit.

Your body deserves to be affirmed and complimented just as much as you affirm and compliment others on social media. It deserves even more of your positive self talk actually, simply because it is yours. Also, kids learn by observing what we do as parents, therefore them seeing you speak highly and positively about yourself will surely teach them the importance of loving and feeling confident in their own bodies.

3. Take the time to show your body some love and appreciation by making time to learn what makes it feel good, and for self-care.

It is necessary for all women to re-learn what their bodies respond best to once they become mothers. We might even learn some new things about our bodies due to the fact that we have become mothers. Either way it is important to lean in to this and make the time to really care for our bodies. Take that bath, get the massage, go for your solo walk, sign up for the yoga class, make time for skin care. Just do all the things that you know will bring joy to you and your body!

4. Do not compare your body to any one else's and remember that God has made you perfect in his image.

Comparison is and forever will be the thief of joy. So please do not do it! Don't get stuck comparing yourself to any one post-baby, especially those with a celebrity status. Every one's journey and accessibility to resources is different, so there's just no point. God has taken the time to make sure that every single inch of our bodies reflect His vision. He has given us these bodies, with these experiences on purpose.

You are BLESSED, and your life, your body... it's all purposeful!
5. Express gratitude for different parts of your body and what they have been able to provide your baby/child with.

For example; your breasts for nourishing your baby, hands for wiping tears, bums and all the things, legs for being able to run after/with your littles, mouth for being able to smile and talk with them, your uterus for growing and accommodating your baby, your skin for stretching in all of the right and necessary places, and of course your chest for being a resting place for them whenever and where ever. This is just a few examples of all that our bodies do for our children and in turn for us, there truly is so much more to be grateful for.

6. Look at your body in the mirror and speak to it as your only vessel of which houses and protects your soul.

We only have and get one body. With this in mind we can fully appreciate it for what it is whenever we see it in the mirror reflecting back at us. In fact, the most beautiful thing about all of us is not our bodies but instead our soul, that which has the power to shine through and make any body look and feel absolutely stunning. However, both are worthy of our praise and admiration as they both serve such a great purpose.

7. Clothe your body in what makes you feel good, not what others think looks good.

Don't ever focus on what others think over what makes you happy. Only we can control our own happiness, therefore it is up to you to own your style and your freedom to express yourself through your clothes, accessories, shoes and etc. Your body, your choice... remember this!

8. Nourish your body in a way that will allow for you to feel your best. Remember that Food=Fuel!

Food gives our bodies energy! Breastfeeding especially uses a lot of nutrients and energy from us moms, which is why it is critical during this time that we supply our bodies with the nutrients that it needs. But of course it doesn't stop there; to be able to chase after toddlers and play with our children we must keep our bodies fueled up and ready for all of these daily mom tasks!

9. Be patient as your body takes the time to adjust to its new purpose and be mindful of the work it takes for it to do so.

The same patience that you have with your child is the exact same that you should have for yourself and the journey that your body is on. Most women will tell you that they feel like their bodies have been hit by a truck after giving birth (myself included), and some may say it wasn't that bad for them. Either way, whether you feel your body adjusting or not, it definitely is and will continue to do so for awhile. So just do it a favour and remember to be patient and loving while it does.

10. Be kind to your body and give yourself grace all the time.

This one is just that simple. Show yourself the same kindness that you would give to any other mother. You deserve it. You are doing hard things every single day by simply existing as a loving mother, so give yourself some grace and be proud of yourself. Be proud of your body.


Thanks for stopping by,



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