3 Ways To Help Maintain Your High Vibration
It's simple. When you vibrate higher you feel better, and people of the same frequency are attracted to you. It feels so good when you've tapped in to your fullest potential. When you feel proud of who you are, and the work you've done to get here. And when you are here, you feel compelled to share. So here I am with a quick blog post to help you maintain your high vibration. Let's dive in!

Meditate and do Breath Work
This is a no-brainer for some of you. But for others it can be some thing that is hard to do or even understand. It's important not to overthink it! Just find what type of meditation best suits you and go from there. It is definitely not a one size fits all type of practice. There are so many youtube videos and apps to get you started these days that you really don't have to look too far for a good guided meditation, or breath work routine, for example. And remember that making the time to actually do it is what matters most!
Now when it comes to breath work, the best thing to start doing is to be conscious of your breathing at different times of the day and remind yourself to breathe deeply as often as you can. Inhale a nice big, deep breath right now... and exhale it all out. How did that feel? Amazing right!? It's amazing how much we can regulate within our own bodies simply by taking the time to breathe more deeply.
Here are some things to get you and your children inspired and started:
Meditation cushion set:

Meditation book by Jon Kabat-Zinn: https://amzn.to/3UjEIMS

Meditation cushion: https://amzn.to/3UanRfD

Mindfulness Book For Kids: https://amzn.to/3F7GxZ4

2. Incorporate CBD Into Your Life
CBD is a hot topic for me right now! I have just recently been trying it out and have learned so much about it along the way thanks to the toronto-based brand Resolve CBD. I know that I am probably very late to this party lol, but I am just glad to have finally made it! With this brand, they use hemp-derived CBD for their products. This means that you get all the benefits of it, without the high that is produced with the help of THC in Marijuana. And let me tell you the benefits of CBD are endless!

We all know that in order to vibrate at our highest frequency and be our best selves, good restful sleep, low levels of stress and anxiety, and being in a good mood most of the time, are all things that contribute towards this. These CBD products help with all of the above, plus more! They can also help to improve your gut health and any inflammation within the body. I also just love how many forms they come in with this company... like the gummies that I received, a topical cream for pain, and a few different oils. I have been loving their peppermint CBD oil these days, it's so amazing in promoting relaxation especially!
Things that contribute towards our good health in a holistic way are always so important, and these products are exactly that!

Here's the link to access them: https://glnk.io/70qx/at-shezelslife use the code RSLVSHEZEL for a 10% discount as well!
3. Keep Yourself Well Rested
Rest is how you take your power back. You don't need to be going at it 24/7, and working yourself so hard on a daily basis. You don't have to say yes to every occasion, invite, meeting and event. What you need to do is give your body, and your mind, the time to rest. Take a nap. Just Be the human BEing that you were created to BE. Not the superwoman or superman that society has told you that you should be. As a nurse I have seen it all too often, where if you don't intentionally carve out time to rest your body, your body will make up that time for you... usually in the form of illness. And if you can't nap yet, then at least find the time to slow down, do something that makes you feel calm, centered and relaxed. We were taught all too well how to hustle, and really work hard. Which is not a bad thing, so long as we find the time to rest in between and show our children that well rested parents/adults are just as valuable as those who work hard for what they want. Let's enjoy the fruits of our labour while we can you guys!
Some things to inspire you to rest:
Large Handwoven Blanket:

Foam Neck Pillow:

Sleeping Eye Mask:

The 'Rest is Resistance' Book:

Woven Throw Blanket:

Monogram Throw Pillow Cover:

Thank you for being here, I'm sending you my high, and just all around good vibes as you set out to uplift and maintain yours!
Take care of yourselves + 'til next time,