An Ode To All Women FT. My I AM HERE Poem

Hello Hello! Today I would love to share a poem that I wrote back in early 2020 with you guys! It's a short poem, but one that is very near and dear to my heart. At the time of writing it, I was thinking deeply about what it means to not only be a woman but a woman with purpose and a vision to make the world a better place. I then thought of women who have inspired me, and continue to do so, as they live so authentically and have never really been afraid to be vulnerable and share in their life's journey with the world. Also, after recently watching the amazing Meghan and Harry interview with Oprah I thought that it was only right that I share this poem now just to remind all of you women how important every part of you is. We as women are sometimes only seen and judged by the way we look, the clothes we choose to wear, and by our body's size and figure (our outer appearance) instead of by the ceilings we break, and the great acts of courage and strength that we take on a day to day basis. Meghan has inspired me long before that recent interview, because she embodied what a strong, unapologetic and intelligent, compassionate woman looked like, and continues to do so! My hope is that all women realise, earlier rather than later, just how much they have to offer themselves and this world. And that looking good feels great, but it definitely is not everything. Finding your purpose and making an impact is what's truly fulfilling.
I am not here just to look like Meghan Markle,
I am here to not be overlooked like Meghan Markle.
I am not here to merely dress like Michelle Obama.
I am here to create change and impress like Michelle Obama.
I am not here just to speak like Oprah Winfrey.
I am here to evolve and teach like Oprah Winfrey.
I am not here to merely laugh and host like Ellen Degeneres.
I am here to be kind and caring foremost like Ellen Degeneres.
I am not here just to write like the great Dr. Maya Angelou.
I am here to work hard and love right like Dr. Maya Angelou.
I am here to take flight like Maya Angelou.
I am here to create light like Maya Angelou.
I am here to give sight like Maya Angelou.
I am here to fight for equality with all of my might like Maya Angelou.
I am here as Shezel Lucille Spencer and it is such a delight like Maya Angelou.

Each and every one of us is born with a gift, just like all of the women mentioned above. Taking the time and doing the work to figure out what that gift is will be your life's greatest work. And remember that it doesn't always have to be something grand. It's whatever makes you feel the most alive and in your element. It's 2021 now, which means there is no reason for any one of us woman to not be living as our truest selves and standing in our own unique power. We are capable of so much, and worthy of feeling our absolute best. We have learned last year especially, that life is too short to live by the standards that society has placed on us as women and that every new day is an equally new opportunity for us to show up as our best selves for ourselves.

I hope that you can take something away from this blog post, and remember that I'm rooting for each and every one of you ladies!