5 Things I'm Leaving Behind In 2021 As We Enter The New Year

Happy Happy New Year Guys! Today I am jumping on the blog to share the few things that I plan to leave behind in 2021 as we head in to 2022. I thought that I would put these things out there just in case any of you guys are in the midst of navigating what you intend for your self in this new year. Because if we're being honest, it's one that doesn't really feel all that positive or intriguing to say the least. BUT, life is what you make it right? So this new year, I am focusing on the things that I do have control over, including my own happiness! We all should. If there is ever a time that we should be living life to the fullest, it is now. I am at a point where I have accepted what is, in the external world around me, and look forward to continuing to improve and love my self, my family and again... the things that I can control! So here I am!
Any second guessing
In this New Year I will not be second guessing myself and what I am capable of, nor will I be trying to guess at what some one meant by saying this or that! I am DONE guessing. Point. Blank. Period. For one, I know that I am destined to be and fulfill every single idea or thought that I have imagined for myself... because it is God who first imagined it for me and put the idea/thought in my being to begin with! And second, if I am ever caught in a situation where some one is not being direct with me AND I care about the relationship/person then I see no harm in asking them for clarity. In trying to understand, fully, what they mean by what they are saying, and getting to the point of it all. Even if this results in conflict, that's fine, because conflict is still healthier than me trying to figure out what I think you meant on my own!

2. This idea that I should not take things personally
It's funny because if you guys back track to one of previous New Year blog posts, you will find that one of my resolutions was to not take things personally. But as I have expanded as a person, and experienced new things, I've realized that there is levels to this idea. It is true that we shouldn't take everything personally, but on the other hand there are things that I think we should. And this does not have to be considered in an unhealthy way either. However, if some one comes to me with some thing that will have an affect on me as a person, and in a personal way, then I will choose to take it personally and act accordingly. In this way I can better detach myself from the situation after I have deeply felt the emotions that I needed to feel, and have addressed the situation appropriately. I read this quote below and experienced a paradigm shift, because yes, some things are personal!

3. Picking my phone up habitually
I think that in this day and age, this might be some thing that a lot of us can work on. Not all of us, but a lot of us! In the morning, I turn off my alarm and scroll for a bit. Throughout the day, just out of habit, I'll pick up my phone and scroll! As much as we know that screen time is not the best use of our time, I have become more attached to it on some days. It is not some thing that I like to admit, but it is the truth. Lately I have been leaving my phone in rooms that I am not in, leaving it indoors when we go outside, and just intentionally choosing to seek and make more out of my day without it. So in this New Year I will take more social media breaks and replace the scrolling with more of the things that bring me joy... because not only do I deserve it, but my loved ones and the things that I have going on around me do too!
4. Feeling overwhelmed by my daily tasks and to-do list
Okay so if you're a mother, like myself, then I think you will get this one! As much as I incorporate self-care and family time in to my daily routine, I still some times do feel overwhelmed by the crazy amount of adulting tasks that I really just want to get done, and in a certain time frame at that! As women we have a lot to do, for ourselves, our kids, our homes, our partners, and our families as a whole. I get in to just tasking away at things some times that I forget to see the beauty in actually getting to do them! I'm only human right, and in these acts of doing I can get carried away and lost in it, to the point where I forget about the being. Being present, being mindful, being amused, being grateful, being joyful... just being. Some times I literally have to tell my husband to just write it down, the things he so innocently tells me we should do around the house and etc. Simply because I can no longer absorb and store it all in my brain. I need space in my head to just be. And that's just me. So we have developed a white board on the fridge system which includes a list of to-do's and to-buy's... and now that I think about it, it would really be a good idea to add a list of to-be's for the sake of all of our sanity and wellbeing! :)

5. Pointless money spending
Amazon has become my bestie. She literally has everything that I want and some times need. She sends me samples with my purchases, and gets things brought directly to my doorstep in a timely manner lol. But you guys... in all seriousness, whenever we need some thing for the house or for the maintenance of our good health, Amazon has it, which is great and where I won't stop using the site. However when it comes to all of the other little things that I may not need but look cute... it has to stop lol! And this doesn't just go for Amazon alone, it goes for all pointless spending! Let's just say that my husband is so good at living a minimalistic life whereas I on the other hand am still learning. So heres to hoping that this New Year will bring more growth in this area of my life!

Above all else, 2021 has brought so many blessings in to my life, like becoming a country homeowner for one, and being able to experience my daughter going to school in-person for the first time! There are many other things that happened in 2021 that I will continue to be grateful for, but I must say that I am excited about what we as a family have planned for 2022. "Upward and Onward" has become a strong mantra of ours here in The Spencer household, and I am more than glad to pass it on to all of you. I hope that you guys can keep it in mind as you continue to make progress in this year ahead!
With all of that being said, the one thing that I will continue to do is be active on this blog, and in your lives, in a positive, healthy and realistic way! Thank you guys for all of your support as it is always noticed and appreciated. I wish you all a prosperous and loving New Year ahead!