5 Amazing Abdominal Muscle Exercises
Summer is here which means our motivation to get these abs looking tight and right is too! Are you the type who feels stuck when it comes to trying to think of effective ab workout moves to do during your home workouts? Do you feel like you're not doing enough in this area and need some fresh ideas so that you can feel that abdominal muscles burn?
Because this was me you guys! I would often neglect my abs during my home workouts, and they became weak along with my lower back. But since investing in this workout bench and a couple of weights I have been loving my ab workouts so much more, and feel so good after doing a routine like this one that I am sharing with you guys today. The most important thing is that we feel good after working out! And I don't know about you but the burn that I feel during and after working out my abdominal muscles always makes me feel so amazing! So let's get into the moves! And please remember, I don't claim to be a fitness trainer or even a fitness guru/know it all, for that matter. I am simply sharing what I know worked for me and could possibly work for you! Because sharing is caring, and because I want you guys to reap the benefits of this workout as you feel more inspired to incorporate physical activity into your daily routine. And if you don't have a workout bench, don't worry, you can do these moves on the floor in your home as well!

Weighted halfway to 3/4 sit up
For this first move you are simply going to rest your weight on your abdominal muscles, tighten your abs, and then only do a halfway, or at the most, a 3/4 sit up. We are not coming all the way up because we want to keep those abdominal muscles tight and flexed, no relaxing them until you are done doing this move for a total of 12 times. Even when you are going back down, you are keeping your abdominal muscles tight by not going all the way down to touch your back to the bench (or floor)!
2. Weighted full length sit up with overhead weight press
So for this move you will be coming all the way up in a full length sit up, and then finishing it off with an overhead weight press. Be sure to still hold the weight close to your abs as you descend back down. Do this move 12 times total. It is also still important to keep your ab muscles tense and not descend all the way down to the bench. It is more effective this way!
3. Weighted oblique rows
The oblique rows feel so gooddd! Our oblique muscles are those that run along the sides of our abdomen. They cannot be forgotten about. Doing these rows slowly is better than rushing through them as well. You want to keep a stable core as you suspend your upper body in a comfortable 1/4 of the way sit up, or wherever feels most comfortable for you and your back. Be careful not to strain too much. From here you are simply rowing the weight from one side of your abdomen to the other, while remembering to maintain a sturdy core. Do this for a total of 12 times on each side, so 24 times all together.
4. Weighted abdominal hold
This is one of my hubby's favourites. It thoroughly contributes to the burn. So again, maintain a suspended sit up position, to where it feels most comfortable for you, and simply hold this position with the weight pressed towards your abdominal muscles. Do this for 20-30 seconds and then release.
5. Body weight crunch
This move allows for you to give the weights a rest. Simply sit toward the front of your workout bench while gripping the under side of the posterior bench so that your upper body is on a slant. From there you will put your legs together and slowly bring your knees in towards your chest, and then kick your legs back out (straightened) as you extend your upper body out flat as well. Do this for a total of 12 times as well, and don't forget to take your time so that you feel it more. Keep your abdominal muscles flexed too!
I wish you all a happy AB workout today and always! Remember that fitness is about feeling good about your body, not having it look perfect. When we take care of our physical health we are also taking care of our mental health.
It's all connected, remember that!
Lol... when I read the last part "back it up and do 2 more sets" 🤣 ❤❤❤
Our bodies are our temples we must take great care of them