Mother Daughter Q&A

Hello Friends and welcome back to the blog! I hope that you all are truly doing well and allowing yourselves + your little one's to feel all the feels right now during these (fill in the blank however you see fit) times. For me right now, it feels like we are being hit with so many things from all different directions, all of which are provoking many, many emotions within us to come up individually, and as a collective. From the viral pandemic, to the senseless and ongoing killing of black people pandemic (we may as well call it that with how long it has been going on for now), and just everything in between. In this past couple of weeks, I myself have been feeling more anxious than normal. Now more than ever we need to come together and not only continue to teach ourselves but also our children about the power of truly feeling and expressing ALL of our emotions. Every single one. And what better way to do that then to ask our children how they too are feeling about themselves and the world around us!

Maya and I did this video a couple of weeks ago, because I thought that it would be really fun to ask her a few simple questions as a way of not only stimulating her mind; but also a great way to allow you guys to meet Maya and a bit of her personality. I think that she did absolutely amazing in front of the camera, and she expressed numerous of times afterward how much she loved doing this! It is so amazing to experience how innocent and authentic children truly are, we as adults can definitely learn so much from them.

I love how my daughter continuously brings out my inner child, and also how much she loves to get in to some deep meaningful conversations as a Taurus girl, just like her Mama! These questions in the video below are just a few examples, but of course there are so much more that you can come up with to get your child's mind spinning, while also allowing them to express what they are feeling. Because in my opinion all emotions are valid, and worth sharing. We cannot expect our kids to be happy all of the time. Just like we don't expect ourselves to be! And so teaching them to recognize what they feel, why they feel it, and what they can do with those feelings is a great way to set them up for a more realistic approach to life. Emotional awareness which then leads to emotional intelligence is just as important as any other life teaching, if not MORE important! It also allows for us as parents to be able to help our children develop a deeper understanding and sense of empathy and compassion for others. Okay, so I think that I have said enough. I hope that you guys like the video! Please don't be shy to comment and let us know what you think, and also feel free to share some questions that you have been asking your children to help explore their emotions... we would love to hear it all!
Thank you for visiting us on here & please continue to take care of all aspects of yourselves and your little ones!
Much Love,