A Positive Message For You All

Hey guys, so today I am here with Miss My to share some positivity and reassurance as it relates to the many different emotions that we all are undoubtedly feeling at this time. I don't think that this is easy for any one, but I do know that these times can offer and teach us a lot when it comes on to personal and familial growth. I hope that if you have been in a mood or have been feeling bad about something lately that this post can relieve that and refill your cup as you continue to press forward!
It is perfectly OKAY to...
1. Feel down and out some days
2. Not be as productive as you'd like or hoped to be
3. Feel overwhelmed and uncertain during these times
4. Need to talk to someone and express how you are feeling
5. Not have the perfect routine set for you and your children
6. Miss a day of exercising and eating well
7. Curl up on the couch and watch TV when you feel like it
8. Not have a clean home every day with all of the laundry done
9. Wish that these times were different
10. Just stay home and feel as though you are doing your part
11. Be out in your community working and still feeling unsure
12. Still take some time alone and practice self-care
13. Give your kids a break from all of the learning and productivity
14. Take some time out to rest and feel grateful for good health
15. Wake up and start all over again
16. Accept help what ever that may look like to you
17. Want this pandemic to end and all go back to normal
18. Accept these times for what they are and still have faith
19. Be scared or nervous to go out for groceries and necessities
20. Be frustrated, sad, confused and anxious with all that is going on
It is all okay, trust me it is! We are all human beings experiencing something as a collective for the very first time and we are all allowed to feel what ever it is we choose to. So don't beat yourself up right now, or think that you are alone... because you're not. But also, try not to lose hope. Try to reinvent yourself every single day and live out your best life in the comfort of your own home. Don't expect for every day to be perfect, and don't hold on to the bad days either. Just continue to BE... in all of your strength and glory. Don't give up on yourself. Be kind and patient with yourself, and your loved ones. Know that you are doing your best with what you can, and whatever else is out of your control. Continue to love your life and stay optimistic as much as possible. And if you have a bad day, or do come across feelings of doubt, uncertainty, and any others listed above then also know that it is perfectly okay. You are perfectly okay, regardless!

Shezel & Maya