5 Sure Ways To Boost Your Mood In The Morning

Hello friends! Okay so today I'm delivering to you guys my five morning mood boosters that I'm sure will make you feel good, and ready for the day ahead. So here we go... let's get right in to it!
You guys must of known that this one was going to be on the list! Working out does wonders for you and your body; that is especially true when its done in the morning hours! I love to get a good hot yoga class or even an at home workout in first thing in the morning. You then get to go in to the rest of your day feeling so damn good, and full of energy. Also, this could help some people to be more cautious about what they choose to eat throughout the day. It will improve our body's circulation first thing in the morning, and increase our focus and productivity throughout the day, whether that's at work, home with the kids or at school. Working out first thing in the AM, or just at some point in the morning really, will definitely make you feel a whole lot better about your self, and the rest of your day. Pumping endorphins are your best friend in other words, and of course the best way to feel good naturally!
Okay so I think that it is very important to wake up and fill our beings with some inspirational, motivational or just all around positive words to help get us started on our daily journey. Whether its your bible, your lateat read, or a little pocket book full of quotes, try and make sure that it's right next to you and easy to pick up and grab for a quick read upon wakening. As long as it is something that brings you joy when reading it then that is what truly matters the most; just read it, feel it, and remember it when ever you are faced with adversity throughout your day. And of course a good morning music or podcast listen is always a great way to start the day as well! So if you're not really a reader and would rather listen to something inspirational during your morning commute, or even while you're getting ready, then try and make it something positive and full of good vibes to get you started in the AM!

So along with reading nice things to yourself, you can tell yourself some nice things as well. Affirm yourself, pray for yourself, (along with your loved ones) just simply talk nice and speak blessings over yourself. Start out simple if you have to, and eventually you will have your own uniquely cultivated list of daily affirmations for yourself. And when you are done this, or even while doing this, you can also be meditating. You can be setting your intentions for the day, through your daily affirmations for yourself, all while meditating. Listen, it sounds harder then it is you guys. You don't need a whole lot of time, trust me all you mamas reading this I know and I get it! But I also know that when we take the time for ourselves in the morning we can be better not only for ourselves but also for our littles. So try it, and again start small. Start with a five minute meditation dedicated to focusing on your breathing and affirming yourself! And then go out and BE that, it's one thing to do the work, it's another to actually emulate what you feel and say you are. You won't be sorry!

Okay so I am not going to lie, I have been slacking on this one lately. But I definitely do know the benefits of getting up that much earlier to ensure that you are feeding your body with the best possible breakfast that you can in order for it to do the best it possibly can to get through that morning, and whole day really! Think about it, your body has been fasting through the night for hours, it needs fuel. Good fuel at that! So try to at least incorporate an egg for that protein, some fruits, veggies, or both, and a little less sugar in the breakfast food...and coffee! I like to scramble an egg or two with either kale or spinach mixed in, paired with a whole grain slice of toast and a fruit or two cut up on the side. But like I said I too slack off in this one area, and some times end up buying that muffin or bagel on the go because of lack of time... and that's okay, but of course the healthier way is better! And when you eat better you feel better about yourself and your day. So, I'm going to try my best to remain accountable and I hope you do too! Its worth it, you're worth it!

Try your best to be present, instead of running through your morning routine on auto pilot. Be present with your kids as you get them ready for school. Be present with yourself when you do all of the four things mentioned above and whatever else you'll be doing. When we lose focus on what is happening in the present moment we can't appreciate it for what it is. Being present is a sure way to boost your mood in the morning and for the rest of your day, because it also sets the stage for how you intend to take on that day. That is with a fully present, and open mind. Also our kids need us to be here for them as much as they are here for us.
Kids are always living in the present moment, and are great teachers of how we can be too. All we have to do is listen and take our time with them and ourselves. What I know for sure is that this time we have now will never be given back to us, so we have to appreciate life for all that it is! Some times I rush through the morning after a missed alarm clock or something, and then of course I am rushing my daughter which isn't fair to her and everything just gets thrown off. As soon as I drop her off, I instantly do this thing where I reflect on the morning and feel terrible for having rushed through it like that. It is almost like a sense of guilt, which I have learned is just a wasted emotion really. And so I would much rather avoid all of that and just prepare for the mornings appropriately by giving myself and Maya more than enough time for the both of us to stay present in all of our morning glory! :)

So there you go ladies and gents! I hope that you try these five sure ways to boost your mood this morning, tomorrow morning, and every morning thereafter so that you can feel absolutely amazing about yourself and your many days ahead!
Sending all of the positive MORNING vibes and energy your way,