Master Bedroom Tour With Affordable Decor

Hello you guys! So today I am going to be giving you all a photo tour of our master bedroom! I honestly really do love everything that has to do with home decor! I watch allll of the shows on HGTV, and Pinterest still is my fave place to get a lot of good inspo for our home decorating. Soooo, with all of that being said I thought that I would put together this little master bedroom tour to show you guys a bit of what I'm in to. I just love the simplicity of our room and the peace it brings me when ever I re-enter it after a long day! I still have a couple more things I would like to do in here, but I'm not really in a rush. I like to take my time with decorating our home and making it us, because I feel like then it becomes more meaningful and is well thought out; as oppose to just throwing pieces together so quickly, that it almost feels like a job with a deadline! The only complaint we have about the upstairs level in our home is the atrocious looking brown carpet that the previous owners chose! However, it doesn't really bother us to a point of wanting to tear it up and re-do it, at least not yet lol! And it definitely is better than a lighter carpet for right now (which I would prefer) solely when it comes on to having kids and a dog because what ever mess they have made on it has been easy to remove and keep stainless.

So any who I am excited to share with you all our master bedroom that we so adore, and I look forward to possibly doing more posts on home decor in the future. I can't lie I myself am a sucker for blog and vlog room tours! I think that the bigger, more necessary items within our bedrooms, like the bed and dresser, should be of good quality and therefore will likely cost you the most. BUT if you are a super DIY'er then I have no doubt in my mind that you can curate and build a beautiful wooden bedroom set that is just as great. We're not there yet lol... so yeah - we did decide to spend more on these pieces. However everything else doesn't have to be so expensive to look and feel good, you can definitely shop smart and still find pieces that you love. Mostly every decor item that you guys will see in our bedroom was either given to us, thrifted or bought on sale at the stores mentioned. And I think that is completely okay, because every thing is of high quality, and is stuff that we absolutely love and feel great about. So yes, it is possible to be a home decor lover on a budget and with an amazing sense of style, that in the end, is completely of your own!

Okay so our bed is the most beautiful brownish, greyish color and it came in a matching set along with our dresser and our nightstand table. I love all of the intricate detailing that each piece has, especially the bed. It truly feels luxurious, warm and beautiful. We both love a great wood colored bedroom set over the crazed about white ones. To us it just feels more homey. Although as you'll be able to see I do like to decorate with white and add in some natural wood pieces just to brighten up the room and add some contrast. We did spend on this bedroom furniture set simply because as I mentioned earlier these are necessities, to us at least, that should last us awhile. Oh and I cannot stress enough the importance of a good mattress, it makes a world of a difference you guys! I love how the sun just shines right in and brings out the true wood color and detail as well!

Okay so in the photo above I have my salt lamp that I got for about $25 at Homesense, next to my little displayed piece of artwork that I instantly fell in love with the moment I saw it at The Salvation Army located in Georgetown. I loved how subtle it looked. It instantly brought to me a sense of peace, and in my opinion it displays a woman's sense of vulnerability but also sexiness with a hint of calmness and confidence as well. It just really spoke to me, and I think I got it for like three bucks! Also, I thought that the colors and vibe went really well with our room. Just to add, don't be scared to check out thrift stores for decor, you never know what you are going to find! Because again, it truly is not about the amount of money you spend, but instead the pieces that you connect with and that bring you the most joy when you see them!

So as you guys have been able to see, our dresser came with a matching mirror that also has such beautiful detailing around the trim and at the top of it. This photo above also shows that rectangular, concave double ceiling effect which also brings character in to our master bedroom. Oh and that door you see in the mirror is the entryway to our Master Bathroom that I might just save for another room tour post later on! :)

Okay so on the other end of our dresser we have our date jar (which is really just a simple mason jar from Dollarama, or one that you could probably find just laying around in your kitchen cupboard tbh) that is full of new date ideas, I thought it was a really cute way to be able to do something different and unexpected when ever we have the opportunity to go out on a date! We also have our Sony speaker which I honestly do use often, and got for a great price at Walmart on Black Friday a couple of years ago. I am a huge music fan, we all are actually, and so I love to play a little something whether its during my shower post workout, or even before I head out to write an exam at school. And of course for when ever we feel like having a little family dance party upstairs lol, or just vibing out. Also pictured is a letter board that I got on Amazon for really cheap, and I have actually seen them at Homesense for even more affordable prices lately. I love waking up to positive vibes, and also reading some positive words upon entering our room so this to me was a perfect addition for just that. I also just added this little stone and natural wood textured candle that was from Walmart for only $2.97. I love the subtle smell of it, and think that you can never have too many candles. I just love the mood of good scents and lit candles y'all! But anywho, definitely check out Walmart's candle section; I also picked up a Christmas scented candle for our main level that was priced on the shelf for $9 but rang up at $6. Don't you guys just love it when that happens!?! I know I do!

Here is a better look at some of the detail in our dresser, and at the true brown/grey color that it is. I love the knobs that it came with. They are like a chrome color with really cute and classy detailing. We honestly prefer to have a minimal amount of stuff out and on our dresser, just because we are both pretty neat people who truly believe that less is more. However, I have been on the hunt for a good size mirrored dresser tray, just so that we have some where practical to put my perfumes and Ry's colognes. Since the dresser is quite big I have yet to find a big enough tray to suit it, I think I bought like one or two that both ended up being too small and just not looking right.

Ohhhh my beautiful, beautiful ottoman! This baby was definitely a splurge item, BUT it caught my eye, my heart, and my whole being right away, lol! I simply just could not leave Homesense without it! I mean the size was perfect, nice and big. And the detailing, like the studded trim and button top look is just to die for. Also, the fact that it opens and doubles as a storage unit was just a plus. And to make it even better as soon as Ryeon came home and saw it, he too fell instantly in love with it. Right away he was like, nice I always wanted one of these. Which for men, who don't really care as much as we women do about decor, was very reassuring that it was in fact meant to be for our bedroom :). The rug I also loved and got at Structube for like $25. I really love how nice AND affordable their stuff usually is. The detail, once again, and different patterns in this rug add a lot of personality and just a sense of lightness to the room.

Of course I have to have my flowers. I am so in love with flowers of all kinds and colors really. Flowers to me hold so much meaning and beauty and resemblance to a lot of things in us as humans, and just life in general. I've had the white circular vase for awhile and it too was thrifted from Value Village in Brampton. I went with a fresh white rose bouquet to keep things neutral and classy. Also, I am not one for heavy, dark window shades. So we got these super light, white shades from Ikea which look simply stunning at any time of the day, and cost us like next to nothing. I love the texture of them as well!

So as you guys may have been able to tell, we have only one nightstand table. We went against the grain and chose to only get one because honestly we had no need for two, storage wise, and Ryeon preferred to have his beloved tree next to him as oppose to the nightstand. Whereas I prefer the nightstand just so that I have a place to rest my current read, my candle, tea and so on.

So yes here you go! I have one of my all time favorite photos of my big girl when she was just a chunky little baby on my nightstand, along with my book, a candle, and my flowers. The lamp stand is actually a golden-bronzed piece from the 60's that was gifted to me by a very lovely woman. I then went to Walmart and bought the marble lamp shade for around $20 that I think goes perfectly with everything else. When it comes on to buying candles I like to rotate. I love to check out Homesense, Walmart, Charmed Aroma, Bath & Body Works and even Fortinos at times. My fave type of scent for our room definitely is a fruity or vanilla one though.

Look at those arm rolls! I miss these days so much! I've had this frame for awhile as well, so there was no need to go out and buy a new one. I love the white antique look it has, so feminine and pretty!

This cute little book of inspiration was gifted to us by my mom on our first marriage anniversary back in the summer of this year! It is usually the perfect way to start my day, as I pick it up to read a few, or some times all of the little pages that are full of color and inspiration. I usually rotate the books on my nightstand as well!

Here is an up close photo of my fierce frame that I so adore, and got from Dollarama! It goes perfectly, and it reminds me that a little fierceness never hurts ;).

Another mirror! This one is located right next to my closet, so when I am getting dressed I like a full length mirror to be able to see what my fit looks like from head to toe! I honestly really do love mirrors. I think it is important that we keep looking at ourselves not out of vanity, but out of deep self love for ourselves and for our bodies especially. It is so refreshing to be able to just wake up, look in the mirror and smile at yourself in preparation for the day ahead. Try it, trust me you'll see how good it makes you feel! This mirror was really affordable and from Jysk. I also really love the white and gold textured frame all around it.

J'ADORE AMOUR! For all my french speakers you know what that means, and for all of my non-french speakers it simply means, I ADORE LOVE! And that could not be any more true for me. I really do love everything about love and romance and family. And I also loved that they were in french, simply because I had been in french immersion all throughout my childhood school years and actually really loved the experience of learning the language. So these two canvas prints from Bouclair, AND ON SALE, only felt right. Again, I feel like the black and white look feels super classy and grown up.

Here is a closer look at the head of our bed. So I found this beautiful floral with a reverse checkered pattern comforter set at Homesense, it wasn't on sale but it came with sheets, these two decor pillows pictured, and six pillow cases; so definitely well worth it, especially for a king size bed! I've noticed that usually the king size sets only come with the comforter and like two pillowcases if your lucky. I added the faux fur teal pillows in for a splash of color because well that's me, I need some color in my life always! You guys may have also noticed that I don't mind mixing metals like all of the chrome, bronze, silver and gold. I don't get strict about trying to keep it all the same, I think that the variety of different metals, and even different decor styles, (like modern, farmhouse, contemporary etc.) looks good!

So here is a look at Ryeon's beloved tree that took some time for him to start loving as much as he now does. As you can see I have a glass mirror behind it which adds a nice effect. I also have the same one on my side above the nightstand. So yes we have four mirrors total in our room, and I love them all! Especially these two identical ones that add some more class and sophistication. Also from Homesense.

Our beautiful tree, given to us from our beautiful friends!

Here's a quick shot of the wicker styled basket that holds our faux tree. I was on the hunt for one, when all of a sudden this turned up at my beloved Homesense! The teal goes with our teal pillows, the yellow is just my fave and goes with the transitioning decor in our bathroom, and of course the white goes with every thing else that is white in the bedroom. The base natural wood colour adds some contrast against the darker wood of our bedroom furniture, and also matches the natural wood frame of our letter board!

And finally our latest addition is this beautiful three light, globe chandelier. It is so simple yet so pretty, and the bright white light it gives off is just next level. It can be dimmed, which is also a great thing about it, and it gives off these streak effects on the ceiling that look stunning. We found this on Amazon for a great price, along with some great reviews; and we thought that it would go perfectly in our room!
So there you have it guys, home decorating on a budget! Thank you so much for stopping by for a pictured tour of our Master Bedroom. There are still a couple of things that we would like to add in here, like our wedding photo(s), and as I mentioned earlier a glass tray, oh and I'd love a good throw blanket especially during these cooler winter months. But with that being said I am very happy with how far it has come and how good it feels in here for the BOTH of us!

It is important to keep each other in mind when it comes to styling any room throughout the home, because if you are anything like Ryeon and I, the both of you spend just as much time in your home and of course in your bedroom. One thing we did compromise on was not having a TV in our master. At first I was all for putting one in, and Ryeon never really was. But then I came around and saw the benefit of not having a TV in our bedroom, and keeping it as that one sacred space for relaxing, sleeping and you know... every thing else that happens in here :P. Our bedroom truly is the place in our home that I go to refuel, to relax, to meditate, to read, to gain clarity, and to spend some alone time in when I need to. I just love it, and all things home decor to be honest!

Well, I hope that you guys enjoyed this post and I look forward to seeing you soon,