Super Fun And Stimulating Activities To Do At Home With Kids
So on snow days like yesterday, or even during a weekend in, there's a lot of things that can be done with the whole family, which will definitely spark the interest of your kids! Also, in doing these activities us adults can take the time to feel like kids again, as we give our children the undivided attention that they rightfully crave from us! Because let's face it, days full of TV watching can just feel so draining at times. Although I am not against it! A good Christmas movie marathon cuddled up by the fireplace is a fave for us over here as well! But I do think that it's always good to try and do some different activities within the home, that are not only stimulating for our kids, but also fun, and even super creative in an expressive way! I don't know about you guys, but I definitely love thinking back to all of the simply fun times I shared with my family at home when I was younger. In the end these are the memories that we can only hope will stick with Maya as she grows older, and eventually wants nothing to do with us! I don't even want to think about when that day comes... I feel so sad for my hubby already haha.
1. Fort Building/Pretend Play

Okay so forts are seriously soooo good and fun for the whole fam! This idea actually first came up for us when Maya's cousin was over and asked me to help them build a fort. It was so fun, along with all of the pretend play that came along with it. On this day in the above photo, Ry and I actually had a fun little competition to see who could build the best fort. Maya brought all of her stuffed animals and dolls inside and we had the best time. So definitely fun times, and it will keep your toddler busy for hours, which is also a plus!
2. Baking Together

Alright so I am not the best baker, I definitely prefer to cook. But of course for my little, I'll try anything. Maya is definitely in to baking, mostly because she loves the final product of eating as many as she possibly can on the very same day. This does become a battle between the two of us at times lol; but she is a great helper in the kitchen as well so of course it's all worth it. I think that baking is a great way to help toddlers build on their autonomy, while also teaching them how to follow instructions and be proud about what a simple mixture can turn in to at the end of it all. And at least with this pictured recipe from President's Choice Blue Menu, I don't have to worry AS much with there being an overload of sugar and what not because they are super delicious whole grain banana muffins! I just recently found the product at Fortinos in the baking aisle. Yes I bake from a box, because again anything I have tried to make from scratch has come out looking, and most times tasting, absolutely horrid. But yes this mix has like next to nothing bad in it, and all we add is our bananas, oil and water! Maya loves mashing the bananas so much. And of course its super yum and safe for children with allergies, like our My My! We do make our own icing though lol, and Maya loves to decorate them for the whole family.
3. Puzzle & Chalkboard Learning Fun

We love our puzzles! We usually play a guessing game with My that allows her to problem solve and recognize colours, numbers and shapes! So it's fun to her, but also a good way to teach, and practice these super important basics. We have two different puzzles like the one pictured, and they are both from our lovely neighbourhood Dollarama. If I'm being honest with you guys, Maya is a very hands-on, activity-based learner so these activities are really the best way for her to do just that. I really don't want to be the type of parent who pushes their child to sit down and learn to read and write from the age of three. I'd much rather cater to her individual learning styles and needs and take it from there. So with that being said, we some times can get in to using her chalkboard for some fun drawing of shapes, letters and numbers. But that is some times short lived, although it is worth mentioning because we do have a great time while it lasts!
4. Outside Play

So we are definitely a family who cannot sit still inside the house for toooo long. We love to get out to the great outdoors when ever we can, even if it means bundling up for the snow. Plus the joy on Maya's face when playing outside makes it all worth it. Ry and I were just saying yesterday as we trekked out in to the snow, that kids really do have a way of changing how you see that once dreaded first snowfall of the winter season. We definitely were not the type of people who loved winter, but since having Maya our perspective has definitely changed. So if you can, try and get out side to play with your kids as often as you can, then return back inside for that cup of hot chocolate and marshmallows that also has such a beautifully nostalgic feeling to it.
5. Dress Up Dance Party

Maya loves to dress up, and she loves to dance. So why not combine the two. Plus I love to see how she transforms in to a whole new person when she's in full wig and character. If you are a family that loves music, then dancing is always a good idea!
6. Kids Yoga

I love this kids yoga Youtube channel that I stumbled upon when doing yoga myself one morning. It is so great to put on the TV for kids to do, and it is definitely something different to get them excited about. Maya loves it and feels so proud when she can hold a yoga pose, as do I. Plus I love this early on teaching of the importance in taking care of our bodies, being kind to yourself, your health, your wellbeing, and ultimately to the world around us!
Thanks for reading, I hope that you guys have found some more new and stimulating at-home activities to do with your always energized children who I'm sure will be up to trying different ways to have fun!
This GIF is great, I'm sure some of you can relate! Gotta love parenthood!
See you guys soon,