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Mommy & Me Skincare Products for Eczema-Prone Skin And More


Hello, and welcome back to the blog guys! Today I am going to share the number one skincare line that my family and I swear by. La Roche-Posay, a French based dermatologist tested brand, was first introduced to us when Maya was about 8 months old. Her amazing allergist based in Brampton recommended that we try the line for our baby's severely dry, itchy, eczema prone skin. At this point absolutely nothing had worked for Maya's dry and some times flared-up skin. We literally tried everything on the market before this, and spent a lot of money on natural products as well. Nothing worked until this did. We were, and still are soooo extremely grateful and happy for that one single recommendation AND not to mention for the amazing skincare brand that is La Roche-Posay. The fact that their products are gentle enough for newborn babies also really says a lot about how great it is! It is paraben and fragrance free and the rich, hydrating texture of their creams/balms are just incomparable.

So for Maya's skincare routine we have been using the Lipikar line which is for atopy-prone and allergy-prone skin. The bar of soap that you see pictured above is just over $10, which I know is not the cheapest price for a single bar of soap, but it definitely does last awhile. The cream we use is actually called a baume, Lipikar Baume AP+ to be exact. As it reads on the back of the bottle, it is indicated for use on the face and body for newborns all the way up to adults. This product is literally life saving and was what allowed our baby to go from sleepless itchy nights, to restful and peaceful ones. We typically apply this to Maya's skin twice a day, and by now she knows the drill and loves to take over her own skin care routine whenever she can! But yeah honestly you guys, if you are a new mother struggling with your child's eczema or even with your own, this product right here will prevent the skin from drying out, which then prevents flare-ups from happening so frequently. As it says on the bottle, it is an anti-itching lipid-replenishing soothing balm that does just that and keeps the skin moisturized longer than a lot of other products on the market for eczema-prone skin.

Here is a more up close photo of the two products we have been using for Maya since she was a baby. You can find them and the whole line at your local Shopper's Drug Mart. They are quite pricey (my hubby made sure I let y'all know this lol) but with that being said I believe, just like many mothers out there I'm sure, that when it comes to our babies and children we want the best for them in all areas of life including skin care! Of course these two products can be used by every one in your family, and yes they definitely do work for us too. They are also a lot gentler on our skin, which of course is the largest organ we have on/in our bodies. Everything we put on our skin gets absorbed and finds its way in to the rest of our body. We should all try to be more aware of this, and of the fact that some of the mainstream brands that we see being advertised daily are not all that good for us. Some even consists of carcinogens (cancer causing agents) that are bad for our health. I am not trying to put down any one brand here. I just think that it is important that I spread the knowledge that I once lacked and was so eager to acquire for myself and for my child. This line of products not only does what it says it does, it also allows for us to have peace of mind in knowing that it is gentle on the skin, and in the grand scheme of things, for our whole bodies.

Now on to more for us mothers... and fathers, and grandmothers and for whoever else wants to feel amazing about their face being super smooth and moisturized, and not to mention, protecteddd! I can be honest and say that I never really had a skincare routine for my face until just lately. I literally would just wash my face with the same soap I use for the rest of my body, or with a random face cleanser... dry it and then apply coconut oil most times! I am not saying that coconut oil is bad btw, because it definitely does have its benefits too, it's just not enough. And so with that being said I came to the realization that as I am getting older and learning more about the importance of maintaining a proper skincare regimen for my face, it is time that I truly do my best to take care of it! And also because I do not want to age before my time, let's be real now. So, I went to my local Shoppers, and ofcourse I already know about the amazingness that is La Roche-Posay but I went in acting completely oblivious and asked the cosmetician some questions. I knew I wanted something gentle, safe, non-toxic, paraben and perfume free, workable as a mom, not too complicated, and of course some thing that would allow my skin to ultimately feel and look good! And no word of a lie, the woman brought me right to the same La Roche-Posay section, asked me some questions about my skin, and recommended these three products that you guys see pictured above. And let me tell you, it has been nothing but love and happiness ever since! I have been using this cleanser, toner and moisturizer (which they use different names for by the way, but whatever) for about a few weeks now and I loveeeee the way my face feels! It is so clean, and hydrated, and moist, and clear and just all around amazing. I typically have some dry and some oily spots on my face and so that is why I went with these products, but they have others that you can choose from as well to better suit your individual needs. They even have an acne treatment line. But anywho, no this post is not an ad it is just me letting you guys know about a skincare brand that I love and that works, and that isn't so scary for our overall health.

We also use their kids sunscreen, and I like to mix a bit with my face moisturizer in the mornings, because well that is also important in the maintenance of good health. I hope you guys took away some thing meaningful from reading this post, and although I am quite sure that it will work for you and your whole family I still have to make clear that we are all different and that what works for us might not work for you. But heck if you are anything like I was when trying to find atleast one got damn product that would help keep my baby's eczema away or atleast under control, then anything is worth a try. It really is. Because we as parents cannot give up on our children and their wellbeing afterall, can we!

Thanks for reading!



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