Marriage Tips + It's Our Anniversary

Hey guys, so today is our one year marriage anniversary, and man did that year fly by! I prefer to say marriage instead of wedding anniversary btw, because to me that is what is the most important... the marriage/union that we share and will continue to build upon, not just the wedding/party/celebration EVEN THOUGH that too was such an amazing day, week and time for the both of us! Anyways, I thought that I would share some quick marriage tips that I have, along with the poem that I wrote to Ryeon for our 1 year anniversary! I love love and being married, and just the feeling in knowing that I have a partner in this thing called life...for life! Every day I am grateful for not only the love we share, but also for the beautiful family that we created. I pray that God continues to bless us with many more years, and that we as a team continue to do the work and never lose sight of what is important!

So here it goes:
Tip #1
Do not think that your marriage should be perfect, stay true to yourselves and each other and the rest will sort itself out.
Tip #2
Keep your marriage between you two and you two only. Try to avoid getting others too involved in your union because at the end of the day you do not lay down with any one other than your spouse. In other words avoid gossiping about your spouse/marriage as much as possible.
Tip #3
Continue to have fun. Continue to set goals as a couple. And continue to keep things light and refreshing. In other words don't take things or each other too seriously. Laugh as often as possible.
Tip #4
Do not ever compare. Do not get hung up on what you see on social media A.K.A the many highlights of people's lives. Be realistic, and as a matter of fact put your phone down from time to time and be sure to get in as much quality time as possible.
Tip #5
Boost each other up. Show love always. Act and talk out of love and respect for one another always. Of course we are not all perfect, but be mindful of your own actions especially during times of disagreeing and confrontation.

Tip #6
In the midst of this beautiful thing called love and marriage try your best not to lose yourself. Both of you continue to do the things that you love, which make you happy and in the end will make for a happier relationship. Think of the many roles you have in your own life instead of just trying to be the perfect wife, or husband all of the time.
Tip #7
Let each other know often how much love and gratitude you have for each other. Don't let life's small hiccups get in the way of the bigger picture. Remember that in everything you do, you do as a team. 1+1=2 and 2 is greater than 1!
Tip #8
Try new things together! This I've learned, is a great way to add some variety to your marriage AND date night fun! Oh yeah, speaking of date night... have them, they are so very refreshing, especially as parents (let's be real)!
Tip #9
Communicate all of the time. And compromise where and when you have to. Because it is no longer you against me, it is now us against the problem. Once you look at things this way your whole perspective will shift!
Tip #10
Try not to put so much pressure on your spouse or yourself! Know that you and your marriage are continuously growing and evolving, day by day, year by year. Don't take your time together for granted. And always remember that the grass is not greener on the other side, it's just fake! True love is work, it can be hard at times, but it is easy at most if we let it be!

Being married to you
Has been nothing short
Of a dream
Come true.
I have never felt
So secure.
A lasting bond
Of this I'm sure.
Every day that I
wake up
Next to you.
I thank God for
His love
That shines brightly
Through you
All that you do.
My rock
is an understatement.
My soul mate
you definitely are.
I know
that we were meant
exactly for each other.
So there is
no need
to mention
Any talk
of counting lucky stars.
One year down
And a lifetime to go.
Has been the phrase
Of the month
To any one
Who knows.
Love is not selfish,
But it is always on time.
Love does not boast,
should it change
At the flip
of a dime.
These simple things
Are what
Your love
Has taught me.
These simple things
Are what
I aspire
To always be.
As your now wife
I would like to say
thank you.
Because as
your partner
In life
You have ALWAYS
loved me
Through and through.
And for that very reason
This marriage
And love
That we share
Will forever remain

Happy Anniversary Babe!