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5 Ways To Effectively Decrease Anxiety


So I think it is safe to say by now that a lot of us experience, or have experienced feeling anxious from time to time. In this super advanced and fast-paced technological world it is quite inevitable. We millenials don't slow down as often as we should, because there is always so much to do or accomplish. We're determined damn it! But, we should remember that some times it is necessary to clear our lives, schedules and minds so that our mental health can be taken care of. With that being said, below I am sharing the 5 things that I have found to help with my bouts of anxiety.

1. Take A Walk/Get Some Fresh Air

Some times simply going outside for a walk and changing my scenery also changes, or better yet, improves my mood and decreases my anxiety. We love going for walks as a family, but some times I do just go out for one on my own and feel completely renewed by the end of it! Mindful walks are next level y'all!

2. Exercise

If it's not a walk I'm going out for then it's a run or a 30 minute workout session in my backyard! Just being outside is one thing, but when you add exercise in to the mix your bound to fell stress and anxiety free. The release of endorphins a.k.a feel good hormones are real and are all that I truly need some times in order to shake any bad mood. So the next time you feel that anxiousness kicking in, don't let it shut you down instead let it be the reason you get up and work out!

3. Lay On Your Back With Your Butt And Legs Against A Wall

Seriously. Just take a minute or two, or 10, as long as you need, and just lay in this position clearing all negative thoughts from your mind. Try to focus on the blood rushing to your abdomen, and on deepening the stretch. I learned about doing this yoga pose for anxiety from one of my favourite blogs @theeverygirl. Apparently having your legs above your heart helps to relieve anxiety, letting stress and tension in your body melt away. They also say on their blog that this pose helps lower blood pressure and helps with insomnia! It's super simple and I can definitely attest to it helping relieve my anxiety. The other night I got down in this pose and Maya got right down next to me, we layed there in silence for a good few minutes. It was great!

4. Affirm yourself

Whether you do this one out loud or just in silence to yourself, it is sure to work! Because well, we are our thoughts and the words that we tell ourselves. Some times I can be so far gone with thinking some crazy things which contribute to an elevation in me feeling more and more anxious. But as soon as I become aware of the stupidity I may be thinking and then fearing, I try my best to snap out of it and simply affirm myself in any way I know how. I ask myself if I can accept the moment for what it is and then link it to positive, inspiring thoughts and outcomes!

5. Tidy Up Your Environment While Listening To Music

This may sound crazy to some of you but I can honestly say that some times when I feel like I have so much to do and my anxiety builds up I quickly turn to spotify and my cleaning products lol! For me as a Taurus I need organization and cleanliness in my life in order to funtion at my optimal level. Of course this is not always going to be the direction I turn in, because with kids nothing ever stays tidy for long. But I definitely find joy and relief in cleaning up our home space and then resting in the final product. Also, I feel as though there is a connection between our mind and our environment. If you keep and live in a dirty, cluttered space then your mind will surely feel just as cluttered. Buttt, if you definitely don't get this but do love music then just chill and vibe to some really good tunes and try your best to forget all about your anxiety!

Anxiety is not something to fear, as it is only natural for us all to experience and feel from time to time. However it is important to not let it take over all of your emotions or your life. Since becoming a mother I have felt it more, but I don't think that is abnormal at all. I mean motherhood is no cake walk lol, and hell I would never ask for it to be. But what I have learned is that we ultimately have no control. In the end what ever is meant to be will be. There is no point in worrying about things we cannot change or control. I once heard that worrying is like praying for things to go wrong, and wow what a mind shift I experienced after that! The energy we spend on worrying can be put in to doing good for ourselves and our loved ones. I just want to say that absolutely no one should feel ashamed about the anxiety they feel, whether it is severe or not. And also, that it is so important that we begin to know ourselves and take the time to focus on our emotions when need be. Take the time to be still and lonely with yourself so that you can reach that beautiful place of knowing who you are and what serves you and your soul. It's worth it. Trust me. You are worth it!

Thanks for visiting, hope to see you soon.


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