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The 5 Most Effective Squats For The Best Full Body Results

Shezel Spencer

Hello again! So squats have always been one of my favourite types of exercise to incorporate in to a full body workout routine. These days there are so many variations when it comes on to doing squats; and so today I'm sharing the ones that I think work and feel the best!

1. Superman Squat

With this type of squat it doesn't take long before you feel the burn in your legs, glutes and if your doing it right... in your abdomen muscles as well. To do this one you basically just squat down as you regularly would but then you jump up as high as you can with your hands at your side! Don't stop when you feel the burn, try to push through it instead.

2. Overhead Weighted Press Squat

I love this one too because now your incorporating weights and a great arm workout. This one is usually the one that gets me sweating! For this one you squat down with the weights as you hold them over your shoulders. Then as you come back up you do an overhead press with the weights. You can start out by doing this type of squat with one weight at a time, or you can jump right in to using two in either hand at the same time.

3. Figure Skating Squat

This squat may seem easy at first, but then if you are doing it right and staying low you start to really feel that it is quite hard! For this one I'll leave a photo below to show how your form should look, because it's not the easiest to explain. You basically leap from side to side and maintain a low figure skating position like the one below. I definitely had to let this one grow on me at first, and now I love it because I find that it also helps with my balance and coordination.

4. One Leg Weighted Squat

Oh my goodness you guys, let me tell you... this one is the most challenging BUT feels the most rewarding lol. So you get a chair or anything that is at chair level, and can hold your one foot on it. I guess this could also kind of be considered a type of lunge but I don't care, I'm adding it to this squat list because I love it that much! So you rest the top of your foot on a chair behind you, and then you place your other leg in front of you in a lunged position. You hold either one heavier weight on the same side as the lunging leg or you can hold two lighter weights in each hand... it's up to you! Then you lunge down as far as you can while keeping your back up straight and your posture good. It will feel hard to push through if you do enough, but also sooo me!

5. Side Leg Lift Sumo Squats

So with the sumo squats your legs should be in a wider stance and you should be trying to squat down lower than you would with regular squats. The twist with these is that on your way up you are raising one leg out to the side and squeezing your glutes, as you do this will help with eventually feeling the burn and getting the most out of this one exercise. Try to get that leg up as far as you possibly can and squeeze like you have never squeezed before. Then and only then will you reap allll of the benefits!

So there you guys have it, some great squat exercises that you can easily do at home or anywhere you please! With every squat you should be squeezing your glute muscles to activate them as well as maintaining tight core muscles. Definitely try to change up your workout routines by adding some other types of exercise techniques in between these ones. Or you can just start out by doing these 5 squatting exercises in sets of 3 with as many reps as you can do in each set! The key is also to know and listen to your body and ensure that every workout is being done safely!

Happy Squatting to you all!


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