Self Care Sundays

Ahhhh self rare and beautiful! Lol this photo is probably what a lot of people have thought of self care as, I know I definitely have. Especially when life just keeps on throwing all that it can at you, and each time you feel like you've reached your peak some thing else comes to remind you that there's more! A lot more! But I'm here to remind you all (and maybe even myself) that even when it feels like there is no possible time, that that is most likely the best time to fill up your cup of self love and feel good about yourself and the moment you are currently in as well as all the ones ahead! So, since I really feel like the importance of self care should continue to be shouted about from the I am providing you guys with a few more simple ways that I have engaged in self care over this weekend! I wanted to do this post for those of you who may need a little inspiration in this area, because I know that we all can some times benefit from spicing things up a bit! Even when that means spending time and doing things for OURSELVES! I have been feeling quite blah lately, I can't even lie. I'm just getting over a cold, and my daughter's also just ended, plus I have been quite overwhelmed with school stuff and just getting study (and sleep) time in. So of course what better time to really just try and pamper myself and try to get back in tune with my emotions and overall self. Alright so without further ado, I am happy you guys are here and would love to know if/when you get a chance to try out any of these DIY at home self care practices, so be sure to leave a comment below when you have! And definitely feel free to share any of your own practices that you feel we should also know about and benefit from!
1. I Made The Best Smoothie Ever!
As I am sure most of you already know, smoothies are my faveee! I love the way they taste, the way they make me feel and the fact that I am able to get soooo many nutrients packed in to one home made drink! I literally made the best tasting smoothie I think in my whole history of smoothie making, and so I could not wait to share it with you guys as well! And on top of it tasting good, it was perfect for me to be able to get rid of this little bit of left over cold phlegm that I really don't love. Maya (the smoothie queen) and I whipped up a smoothie containing the ingredients pictured and listed below and I reallyyy do encourage you guys to try this out with your kids AND of course for yourselves too!

2. I Did A Turmeric Face Mask!
This face mask is definitely one of my favorites as well! It is so simple yet so beneficial to my skin, especially during these dry winter months. So I whipped up a small mixture of ground turmeric, honey and brown sugar and then applied it to my damp face in a circular scrubbing motion and left it on for like a good 20 minutes or so. It feels just as good going on as your skin does when you take it off. The brown sugar provides that facial scrubbing texture that I just love and then your skin is left feeling amazingly soft. Even days later! It is super natural and can really be left on for however long you desire without having to worry about that dreaded burning sensation that happens with some on the market face masks (especially with sensitive skin). Again, very simple yet very satisfying!

3. I Drank Some Golden Milk!
So while doing my turmeric face mask I decided that I would also make myself a turmeric latte (pictured above)! Because why not! I whipped out my coffee presser and mixed up some ground turmeric with boiled water, soy milk, cinnamon, honey and a touch of vanilla and got to pressing! Keep in mind all three of these things were done with my toddler right by my side and so I get that some of you are like, whatttt how are these self care practices!? But let me tell you when you have a child these little feel good things are not taken for granted because to be honest I rarely have the time to do them, especially with a sense of enthusiasm and calmness! All of which I am not complaining about...because life is good, especially when we are able to be up and moving and doing! But of course doing these little things for myself and really showing my daughter that they are important to do and essential to our overall health is definitely necessary!

4. I Put My Peppermint & Almond Body Oil To Good Use!
This one sounds a bit rated R, but I promise it's not lol! Although almond oil does make for a great massage oil... and Valentine's Day is coming up. You can thank me later! But ye no seriously if you are in serious need of a full body massage the way I am then this mixture is THE perfect one for you! It is especially good in the shoulder, back and neck area! Don't go overboard with the peppermint essential oil, just one drop to a handful of almond oil is good. I love the smell of peppermint and the cooling affect it has when applied to tense or sore muscles. And almond oil is rich in vitamin E, which means it is so beautifully moisturizing and healthy for our skin!

5. I Listened To An Episode Of Oprah And Eckhart Tolle's New Podcast!
I indulged just a little bit further before getting back to studying and put on the first episode of this new podcast by two people that I find very inspiring and just uplifting in every aspect. There is nothing better for me than clearing my head and being able to become fully immersed in a great podcast episode. Especially when it is one that is so positive. What more can I say! Just like I love a good read, or to listen to good music...all of these things are a part of me doing my own work to try and better myself and take the time to really just enjoy my own company. I hope you liked this list and will not find, but MAKE the time to try them out as a part of your next Self Care Sunday Ritual!

Thanks for the time!