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The Three Steps That Will Turn Your New Year Resolutions In To Reality!

Shezel Spencer

Hello and Happy New Year to you all! As another year has come to an end we are provided with the opportunity to improve ourselves, our lives and maybe even the world around us. This time of year is definitely looked at differently by everyone, with some using the 'New Year, New Me' slogan-or on the other side of the fence the 'New Year, Same Me' caption is being brought to light. Either way I think that it is always a great time to reflect and work on building new goals for the New Year ahead of us. Setting goals that you would like to reach annually are a great idea because they can provide you with that bigger picture in regards to all of the things that you would like to accomplish in said year. They can also act as an umbrella for the smaller goals you may set for yourself on a monthly or even weekly basis. So today I thought that I would share a few examples of those things that I guess we could or couldn't (what ever you decide) call my New Year Resolutions, or better yet GOALS. I will also be sharing the ways in which I like to organize my New Year goals (and any goals really) by use of three simple steps, which are learning, developing and redefining. I hope that by the end of this post you guys are also able to see the value in reflecting on the past and preparing for the future as you set yourself up for success!


1. Learning

I honestly believe that one of the best things that we can do in life is to open ourselves up to being taught new things, whether it be us teaching ourselves or us being taught by some one (or some thing) else. Because all through out life there will be new things that we will some times even have to learn in order to feel happier and better about ourselves. Whether these life lessons are coming from good or bad experiences, we are always continuing to grow because of them. And so this year I would like to take it upon myself to continue to learn and hopefully set forth on to some new paths of valuable life lessons. Here are a few of my own examples:

- Boxing technique, which is my new found hobby

- Becoming a good RN as I continue to learn in nursing school

- Meditating in a meaningful and healthy way

- All things motherhood (because let's face it, this one is a lifelong journey)

- The ability to brush things off, and not take them so personally

2. Developing

Okay so I know that some people may use the words learning and developing interchangeably. However, I like to look at it as us first having to learn a new skill or even learn how to get rid of a bad habit to then be able to say that we have developed and will continue to develop ourselves until we have been fully redefined in some way or another. Development comes when there has been enough noticeable change of either the integration of a new and healthy skill, or the cancellation of a bad habit. I like to look at it as the in between step, as in you are definitely getting there but are not quite there yet. I would like to develop my patience and the importance of being present for example, in all areas of my life and especially as a mother and a wife. I would also love to develop my studying skills and habits when it comes on to nursing school. And of course all of the things that I mentioned above, I am looking forward to developing as well in this year!

3. Redefining

Ahhh, the moment of redefinition! The part that you get to that makes you realize just how worthy all of your hard work in the first two steps were. This one is all about creating good lifelong habits out of those newly learned and then developed skills and redefining what they mean to you, your overall health and ability. For example to me that means learning how to box and then developing a love for the sport that brings me happiness and enjoyment which in turn will be redefined as a healthy exercise routine. There is no doubt that this is the best part, but it is important to recognize that the other two are just as crucial and worth doing!


I'm glad I was able to share these three very important goal setting steps with you guys as well as a few of my 2019 goals. I chose to share the rather simpler goals of mine so that you guys could see that New Year resolutions don't have to be super complicated. Some times people get scared to set goals simply because it feels like too big of a task. But as long as you are realistic about your goals and what you would like to accomplish then not only will it be easy to do but it will also be beneficial to you and your growth. I've noticed for myself that being able to set annual goals in this way has contributed toward me feeling more clear and motivated about what I would like to accomplish for the year. I hope that some of this stuff resonated with you guys, even if you are team 'New Year, Same Me'. Because life really is about us trying to learn how to adapt to change in a way that allows us to grow in to the best version of ourselves. I hope that 2019 has started off amazingly for you all and that you continue to receive blessings upon blessings in the months to come!

Thanks for reading,


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