25 Life Lessons By Age 25

Hellooo blog familayyy! How are you guys? I am so happy you are here because today I have decided to share 25 lessons I have learned by the age of 25! I have decided to put these life lessons in to short poem form with a brief explanation of each right below. I have just felt so awakened; as if I have learned so much about myself, life and others by this age, especially as of lately. To me it is the most exciting and liberating feeling. And although I know I still have so much more to learn in this life time, I am still so thrilled to feel like I have already come this far. I just love realizing things, expanding my knowledge and growing as a person. I feel like I am at a good place in my life and am very grateful for the simplest of things. I think a lot of it also has to do with becoming a mother, and most recently a wife!

There is something about having a family that humbles you in the best of ways, and makes you so much more appreciative. Actually, my hubby just asked me last night after putting our daughter to bed if I ever really imagined or thought about all that I have become. He was just like, did you ever really stop to think about when you would be a mom and wife in the past. And then proceeded to get me all up in my feelings by telling me how great I am doing and that he appreciates me. He is seriously the best, and I honestly tell him every day that he is a superhero because he just does so much. To the point where I am just like okay no, you are not human lol. I definitely will be doing a hubby appreciation blog post, where I will be answering some of the questions that I often get about getting married so young and what not! I really just love my little family, our life and all of our imperfections so much. We can be such a mess at times, but I love it! All of it! Anywho, let me know which of my life lessons you guys can relate to in the comments section below. Do not be shy, be loud, be vulnerable, life is way too short. There you go lol. That is the ultimate life lesson! That life really can feel like it just passes us by and we just end up living a mediocre one as oppose to the most exciting one that we often dream of!

1. To be kind to others
is to love yourself.
Being kind to others
is equivalent
to loving yourself.
When you love yourself and hold your self on high regards you just then feel like sharing all of that love with others. You definitely do not want to hurt people or put others down! Why? When you can help to raise them up. The only people I see hurting people are the ones who are hurt themselves.
2. We are not just here in the world.
We make up the world.
We are the world.
I mean there are the beautiful animals that we coexist with as well, but I am pretty sure that we humans make up the majority! Think about that and then go and live your best life. Do it all, everything you have ever dreamed of!
3. The weight that you
carry on your chest,
can be altered by the
thoughts that you carry
in your mind.
I have realized that a lot of the anxiousness I feel comes from the thoughts that keep replaying in my mind. So I know that if I make the conscious decision to turn the negative thoughts down and the positive ones up then I will begin to feel lighter and more peaceful.
4. The human heart is amazing.
It can go through heartbreak
and still put itself back together
to be able to love again.
You guys, relationships are hard. If you love each other you will hurt each other. Your heart will feel like it is breaking or has broken already. But do not worry. It knows what to do. It is a strong organ in your precious body. So do it a favor and thank it for all that it is continuing to do for you. And then go ahead and open your mind back up to love as your heart did.
5. Forgive yourself,
over and over again.
As a mother I have battled with feeling bad for things or ways I may have portrayed myself to Maya. I might have felt like I should not have yelled at her, or that I should have just let her stay in her favorite dress although it was dirty and wet. But honestly at the end of the day, Maya has forgiven me for these things so why should I not forgive myself. In all areas of life I have made mistakes or done things I am not proud of. But I have also done a lot of things that I am very much proud of. I deserve to be forgiven so long as I have learned my lesson from my past mistakes and wrong doings. And so do each and every one of you.
6. I know that my exterior
does not always match
my interior.
But I promise you
that my heart
is in the right place.
And that my soul is happy.
Gleaming from the inside out.
So most times I wear my emotions on my sleeve. And honestly if our energies do not match and we are just not vibing that will show and be written all over my face. But with that being said, I could also just be a very exhausted mom who got absolutely no sleep for the last few days who now has a semi-permanent tired look with the inability to smile right or keep my eyes open fully. I am working on it, but either way I am happy on the inside. I promise!
7. We say good vibes only.
But what if the bad vibes
are necessary to teach us
how to recognize and relish
in the good vibes.
Experiencing bad things and people in life just helps to appreciate the good things and people that much more.
8. For every bad thing
happening in the world,
there are ten more good things.
I promise you.
I cannot watch the news anymore. It is a platform for showcasing all that is wrong with the world and hardly anything that is good. I like to choose where I focus my energy and what I let in. Just because we are not hearing so much about all of the good things that happen on a daily basis does not mean that there is nothing good happening.
9. True love is laughing mid argument
to break the tension
and forget about arguing in the first place.
So as I mentioned on my About page, I am a taurus and Ryeon is an aries. So a Bull and a Ram essentially. When we use to argue, it could get pretty ugly pretty fast. And over the smallest, simplest of things. Now, we do not even take our arguments, or disagreements I should say, all that seriously. It is usually just petty things that come up anyway. One of us always just laughs or does some thing silly to break the tension then we go back to loving each other once again lol.
10. Motherhood is the key
that fully opens up the door
to a womans soul.
Ahhhh motherhood. It is so challenging yet so rewarding. I have felt so much more in tune with my spiritual side as a mother. I am always seeking to become more aware of my soul. I have felt real growth in this area of my life, and truly do think that becoming a mother has EVERYTHING to do with it!
11.Except what is
and do all that you can
to make the most of it.
Honestly, some days are going to be rainy and others sunny. We cannot change that, but we can choose to except it and then make the best of it. Life truly is all about perception. I have definitely learned that not everything is destined to go how I want it to. But I cannot let it get me down. We as humans have this amazing ability to make choices. So I now choose to make the most out of the things I cannot change.
12. Don't say,
So simple, yet so powerful. Ryeon is the ultimate believer in this. I have not ever witnessed him saying he would do something that he in turn did not do. That is so important to him, and now very important for myself as well. You can literally talk all you want about what you are going to do in life and what not. But until you actually do it, it is just words. And this can range from the smallest of things to the biggest. Also for most things in life, you will never truly know what it will be like until you just do it! Whatever IT is. It is always worth doing!
13. The most courageous people
are the ones who are willing
to feel the most uncomfortable.
Okay so this one took me a minute to realize; just because I was always the type of person who would say things like they were, and would not be scared of confrontation. But, growing up in my family I was the only one like this and so this quality of mine was usually looked down upon. I think it could have been the delivery lol, I did not always confront people in the best of ways I can admit. But I am still slowly starting to realize that in life that has been one of my best qualities. I say this because some times we guess on how people may feel or think about us, or we just do not go for the things we want because we are so comfortable with where we are in life. But any successful person will tell you that you have to push beyond your comfort zone to make it anywhere. Being vulnerable is necessary. Putting yourself out there is necessary. It is exactly what I am doing with this blog, and although it can be scary at times, it feels great! I now see that the most vulnerable people are truly the most courageous in life. Because they do not know what is waiting for them once they step out of their comfort zone, BUT...they do it anyway :)!
14. When you go through things
that no one else has gone through,
hold your head high.
This one is quite simple really. We all go through things that are unique to us and that make us who we are today. Everything happens for a reason.
15. They may think they know.
But they will never truly KNOW.
It was your experience. You lived it.
You should feel good in knowing that.
Guess what, people will walk in and out of your life. People will carry news about you and your experiences to others. People will even make you feel as though they have something over you for knowing so much about your experiences, since you were so trusting to let them in to your life in the first place. But, with all that they may have seen or heard they still do not know what you know. Only you do. You lived through it. They only got a tiny glimpse at things. Try not to feel bad about letting those type of people in. You did it out of the goodness of your heart and that is what matters.
16. Your own family
will support
a complete stranger
and not you.
And that has every thing
to do with them
and not you.
Point. Blank. Period. No but seriously lol, it has nothing to do with you. If they really and truly love you, as a family member should, then they will support you. I always feel like we are able to see peoples true colors not by the words that they speak, but by the actions that they demonstrate. Your family is not always for you. It is sad but it is true.
17. If your conscience
doesn't allow it,
then you don't allow it.
Your conscience is a gift
from God,
so please try not to ignore it.
Whenever I hear of some one doing such a wrong or harmful thing, I always question if they have a conscience. Although I know that we all do, I some times find it very hard to believe the things that people are capable of. I do not mean for little things either. Because I do not judge people and their decisions. But as I hear about the super harsh things that are going on in the world (unfortunately I still do, even without watching the news) I am often left thinking this. Once again, our conscience is a gift and we have it for a reason.
18. Heartbreak is necessary.
Failure is necessary.
Rising above both
is also necessary.
We must experience failure in order to eventually rise to the top. That is what I truly believe. Life is not just one clear cut road. But we are resilient, and we will make it through any obstacle thrown at us.
19. Filters do not
make you pretty,
your good heart does.
Social media can have people obsessed with the way they look. But it hardly touches on the importance of keeping a healthy mental state, or making your soul happy, or just focusing on being and doing good in the world. Leading your life with a purely good heart is what is important. And I will say that I love to follow influencers and like minded bloggers who are actually touching on these things, and trying to make a difference in the way people think and view themselves!
20. When I feel anxious
I don't give it a name
or make it feel entitled
enough to stay.
I just feel it,
and let it pass through me.
Reminding us both
that it is not permanent.
You cannot continue to feed the feeling, it will only grow and become bigger. It might even think that it can stay around for longer, until it eventually takes over. Just like cancer. You can feel it for a bit, but please try not to feed in to it. Recognize its presence, but then also try and recognize that it is only a temporary presence and that you are worthy of feeling much more.
21. When someone says,
you're doing everything
Answer them with,
NO, I'm doing everything
And then let them sit there
with that. Confused.
Oh my goodness, the amount of judgemental people I have come across in this life time is just crazy you guys. Especially when I was pregnant and not married or finished school as yet. Often times people would try and joke or just be serious in saying that I was doing every thing backwards. I would never let them get away with this though, it just never really sat well with me. And I knew that although some would try and joke about it, there was still a little seriousness to it because then they would flood me with a bunch of WHY? questions. But who are we to say anything about how people prioritize things in their lives. Ryeon and I cherished, and put starting a family before getting married or finishing school, which at the end of the day are really just equivalent to receiving a piece of paper. So yes, we chose to bring a life in to the world before a new piece of paper and have never regretted it since!
22. You were my friend,
and then a stranger.
It can never be the
same again.
THE HARD TRUTH I think it is okay to outgrow people in life. It is okay to not have a bunch of meaningless friendships, as oppose to a few solid ones. It is also okay to try and reconnect with lost friends to then realize that it will never truly be the same. Some times we want it so badly to at least be sort of similar to how it once was. But at the end of the day, it just isn't. I have realized that that is also okay, and should be accepted.
23. Some people will think
that they were so good
to you and your life.
When in reality it was
the exact opposite.
Choose your crowd wisely is all I can think to say over and over again for this one. Because some people cannot even help but to drag you down with them. If you are feeling the same way after every encounter, then you begin to feel that some thing just ain't right. Been there, done that!
24. Have fun.
Live a LOT.
Soak up each
and every moment.
Because why not.
Okay so at times in the past I could be a little uptight. But now I just try and live my best life every day all day! I do not even care anymore, I just want to try and have the most fun always!
25. Some times we explain.
And some times we don't.
And that is completely okay.
Pretty simple right. Some times it is worth it to explain yourself and your feelings, and other times it just is not! Other times you should not even have to explain yourself. I have come to realize that both are okay to do. It just comes down to you figuring out what and who is worth the explanation.

So there they are, 25 lessons I have learned thus far. I look forward to learning so much more in life, as I continue to experience and grow through things. I hope that you guys can relate to, or even learn from some of these life lessons of mine!

Some times, it is almost necessary to go, and then grow, through certain things in life to become the best version of ourselves. The greatest life lesson I have learned this year, at this very age, is that you cannot worry or be distracted by what others may think about you. You have to stay in your own lane, and not worry about watching that of others. Follow your heart and that gut feeling of yours. Do what makes you happy. Surround yourself with positive, inspiring and uplifting people. And put energy in to building your self up to your fullest potential.
Once again I thank you, I look forward to hearing from you & I hope to see you back soon!

Til' next time,