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Get your FIT on!

Shezel Spencer

Hey guys and welcome back! I have been slacking so hard lately when it comes to my physical fitness. I have also just been eating any and everything, especially sweets and a lotta cake! Cake, vanilla in particular, is my weakness. Usually I can control this weakness, but lately as soon as I walk in to a grocery store and see it, I feel compelled to buy it. My mouth waters for it, I swear lol. If you guys have any tips on how to regain control over such food weakness then please do share in the comments section below! Also, this quote I found below could not be any more real...I had to add it in for a good laugh.

Well anyways, enough about me and my cake addiction.This blog post is really about things that we can ALL find inspiration from when it comes on to working out, and holding ourselves accountable to doing so! When I speak to a lot of people like friends and family about working out, the thing that is most commonly said is that it is usually a one off. Meaning that they get all motivated, but then after only one or two times of working out they just stop for weeks or months until they again get motivated to repeat this same cycle. I can definitely say that I have been guilty of this. I think that it is because we so often look for this motivation every where else other than our selves. Sometimes the things we see on social media will motivate us to workout. Or some things we read or hear from others will also motivate us. And although these are great ways to get us up and out of our rut; I think that the best motivation and inspiration to take care of ourselves has to come from within. Physical activity should really be engraved in to our every day lifestyle. So with that being said I invite you guys to read further, as I talk about the few simple things I find inspiring and full of motivation to get and STAY fit!



So I am a Taurus, which means that I love organization...which also means that I love to plan things out and write things down. We have access to so many free planner templates online in places such as Pinterest or even Canva where you can construct your own. It is a great way to stay focused and hold yourself accountable. Keep it in your phone or print it off and stick it on your fridge. Do whatever you have to do to stick to it. But also, do not forget to be realistic. Please don't set yourself up for failure or defeat. If you have to work your way up from working out from 2 to 4 days a week then do that! Just remember that you should try and switch up your workouts by focusing on different body parts, movements and types of workouts. Your muscles love change and being introduced to new things, so definitely keep that in mind! I have included my example of a weekly workout plan down below.


So I know that for myself and I think most women, as soon as we look good we feel good! But don't stop there, at just looking good. Make sure that your fitness gear is also super functional and makes sense for the type of workouts you are doing. I definitely invested in some very affordable but also durable workout gear of which I have designated a whole section of my closet to. As I have mentioned to you guys previously, I am not really in to spending a bunch of money on clothing. I would rather shop off season sales, at outlets and/or in the clearance sections where you can undeniably find great items for so much less! My workout go-to's are a good pair of leggings and a tank, paired with a lightweight hat and my teeny tiny fanny pack which fits my phone perfectly and allows me to listen to music all throughout my workout. I have tried the arm band things for my phone, but have never really been a fan! I found my pouch pictured below at Marshall's in the active section for just $5! Also pictured below are one of my fave, super simple workout outfits.


Get creative with your post-workout protein smoothies, or just come up with a concoction that you love and stick to it! It is so important to consume protein after working out. I know for a fact that the easiest way for myself to do this is by making a delicious smoothie. When we work out we are tearing our muscles down, and so by taking in some protein post workout we are able to help speed up the repairing and growing process. I have previously uploaded a purple power protein smoothie recipe for you guys, so check that out if you haven't already. Down below I will add yet another one of my fave protein smoothie recipes for you guys to try as well!


- Mango & peach (as much as you want)

- 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder

- spoonful of flax seeds

- soy milk and/or water (again, as much as you want)

- handful of kale


Last but definitely not the least, always be your biggest motivator. Tell yourself and your body how good it is for you to be physically active. Think about how happy you feel after working out and accomplishing a new personal best. Always be the one to lift yourself up. As the first quote above reads; fall in love with taking care of yourself. Know that you are doing it for your own health and greater good ALWAYS. We all know what is good for us, and some times we may fall off track. But do not give up, get back up ten times stronger and keep going no matter what. It all starts with a little daily affirmation to get yourself motivated. Check out a few of my examples down below!


I hope that we can now all come together and live a healthy lifestyle by staying physically active, amongst all other things! Let us take on each day and week with a positive mind frame that tells us, YES! We are worth it! The work, the time...all of IT! Thank you so much for reading and if there are any other things that you would like to add, that motivate you to get active then please do share!

Talk soon,


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