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Wedding Day Mishaps & Reception Photos

Shezel Spencer

Welcome back to the wedding series blog posts guys! I am having serious withdrawals. Every time I look at pictures or watch videos from Jamaica I just miss it so much! The time flew by so quickly, even more so because of the wedding. When you have a destination wedding a lot of the planning and finalizing is done during the few days before the wedding. So with that being said, we were so busy with all of that stuff during the first few days that we hardly got to relax on the beach or be by the pool with our family and friends. All in all the trip was so amazing and definitely a once in a lifetime type of thing! But any who today I wanted to finally share with you guys some wedding day realness. Just to shine a light on the fact that things will never be absolutely perfect! I am sure that every married couple can say that they have experienced at least one thing going wrong on their wedding day. However, even with the minor setbacks we experienced, the day felt perfect to us!


So as I was getting ready in my room I got a call. My mom answered and said it was Ryeon. So I was feeling soooo nervous and what not already, and thought - awww maybe he's calling to check on me and to have a little convo before we finally walk down the aisle! But that was not the case. Although his voice was so calm, he literally called to ask me where his tie and pocket square were. I was like oh it must be in your suit bag with your suit, that is where we put it last. But then he said it was not in there and he had thought that I packed it. I was like whatttt?!?! I thought that you would have just left it in your suit bag with your suit. I knew for a fact at that moment we did not have it. What had happened was, Ryeon went to his last suit fitting without me. And when he got home from that suit fitting, or before he went, he must of taken the box that his tie and pocket square were in out of his suit bag. I did not know this because I had always kept everything together in the bag, and so I did not think it had to be packed because well it was in the bag. But honestly he was so calm and cool about it, and did not let it stress him at all. Neither of us did. In the end we both agreed that he actually looked really good, and more laid-back (as we wanted) without them!


So we had planned to get our cake made by an off resort vendor who was a family friend. The cake pictured above was suppose to be our second cake, which is just the standard cake that you get with the resort wedding package. The original cake was bigger and more detailed, with each layer containing a different flavor. However when I walked down to the reception location and did not see our original cake I was told by family members that the original cake was brought on too early and was not put in to a freezer, but a cold cellar instead. With Jamaica's heat the cake obviously would not withstand, even in a cold cellar. We definitely were not upset and did not let it spoil anything about the night. It is just a cake after all. It was also still very eatable and every one loved it, especially the rum cake layer. We were even able to bring quite a bit home, and give every one a piece to bring home with them as well!


This one is so minor, but still worth mentioning. We both planned on changing in to our second outfits for the night but never got around to it. The day was just so quick and busy that we could not even get the chance to run up and do a quick change! But I am so glad that I stayed in my gown, considering the fact that I will never really wear it again. Ryeon looked so good in that blue suit I honestly did not even want him to change in to the linen one! Although it would have been a lot cooler for him. He had me dying of laughter because by the end of the night his shirt was unbuttoned and wide open. We agreed that this just gives us a good reason to get dressed up all fancy for a romantic night out in the near future. So it turned out to be a Win-Win situation!

Honestly guys there are probably a few more minor things that did not go exactly as planned, but the fact that I cannot even remember them goes to show that they were not all that important in the first place. What matters is that our Wedding Day far exceeded our expectations, and it was so unique to US as a couple. We felt so in love, and still do! Especially considering the fact that we do not have to worry about being in debt or having to pay back anything. We did it the way we wanted to, and that is the main advice I would give to any single one of you who plans on getting married. Do your wedding your way and make sure that you guys are not just doing things to impress a bunch of people. That goes for everything that you do in life!

If you are still reading and with me, be sure to check out some of the pictures from our reception. It was obviously night time and so these pictures were a bit darker. Also some are snap shots from our wedding video, so they are not the clearest. However with that being said they are definitely all full of character and happiness. I wanted to share a few with you guys so that you could at least get a small sense of how much fun we truly had; and also how beautifully simple our wedding decor was. I mean the whole beach setting was the decor for us, it was absolutely stunning!


Our MC, Georgette was fabulous, and we literally met her for the first time as we walked in to our reception. I remember she called us in our room right before coming down to the reception and was like, what type of couple are you guys!? Are you open to having fun and doing any and every thing? We were both just like; YES! OF COURSE! It is our one and only wedding night so why not, plus we love a good time. Let me tell you guys that she did not disappoint, and made the night so fun and inclusive for every one. It was definitely a night to remember!


As you can see in these last few photos Ry was bigging me up HARD when Georgette told the DJ to play Walking Trophy! I love them because it shows so clearly how he is truly my biggest supporter not only here, but in everything I take on in life. That is THE best feeling ever and all I can ever ask for!

Well, thank you guys for showing interest in my little old life and blog, it truly means so much to me. Please always feel free to ask me anything, or to just let me know what you are thinking. I am seriously open to any and everything!

We shall talk soon,


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