Good & Inspiring Books To Read

Welcome back to the blog guys! I know some of you are waiting on the wedding blog post, however I am still working on getting all of the pictures and videos together. So in the mean time between time, I have decided to talk to you guys a little about reading! I am really curious to know how many of you enjoy reading as much as I do. I feel like in today's society there is not much focus on reading good old fashion books because technology has really taken over. If you know me I am such an old lady lol, and I mean that in the best way. But in all seriousness, I am definitely one who still likes to pick up a paperback book and feel inspired every once in awhile. When I am in school I definitely do not get a lot of time to read anything other than my nursing textbooks and articles. So I try to catch up on my leisurely reading during the summer!

There are a few more books I would still like to read for this summer. Of course Rupi Kaur, who is Brampton's very own author, has written great books such as Milk and Honey a long with the famous; The Sun and Her Flowers of which I am dying to read. Also, Cleo Wades Heart Talk is a definite must read for me! Once in a while I like to take a trip to Chapters and just pick up books that really peak my interest. As of lately I have been ordering off of Amazon, and they usually arrive at my house the same or next day!

I am not really in to reading too many fictional books, unless the story line is amazing. I loveeee to read positive and uplifting books because they tend to give me a little boost in life, and allow me to keep a clear focus. I also really like to read informative books as they relate to my life as an individual; a mother, and now as a wife! I find reading to be so relaxing, but also healing. As some of you may already know, I am a sucker for words lol. As corny as that sounds, I seriously feel like they hold such great power. I admire those who can express their thoughts and what they have learned in life in such a way that people like myself can relate OR learn from. So without further ado, here is a list of must reads for you guys!

1. Creative visualization, Shakti Gawain
This book is a guide on how to use mental imagery and affirmation to produce positive changes in your life. I do believe, and I have seen in my own life, that creative visualization works.-Oprah Winfrey
2. Quiet: The power of introverts in a world that can't stop talking, Susan Cain
This one is for all of my fellow introverted people. It is a super intelligent book and will make you feel even more proud about being an introvert in a world full of extroverts.
3. Rejoice in the Lord, Karen Moore
The first line on the back of this book reads, Like the sun coming up each morning we are renewed by God's love. This book is a great pick me up when ever you just feel like you need to recharge.
4. The power of positive thinking, Norman Vincent Peale
Positive vibes only. The title of this book is pretty self explanatory.
5. Chicken Soup for the nurse's soul, Jack Canfield
Since I was a kid I was reading Chicken soup books and I have YET to get over them! I love the little stories that are shared, especially in this nursing version. This book is not only great for nursing students and nurses but for anyone and everyone!
6. The 7 habits of highly effective people, Stephen Covey
Okay, so this book right here is pure genius. It is amazing and oh so enlightening. It will have the ability to call you out on your own bad habits, but then show you how to correct them and live your best life. I read it super fast and loved every single chapter. I highly recommend this book to you all!
7. Raising an emotionally intelligent child, John Gottman
I am currently reading this book. I just recently ordered it off of amazon. So here is the thing, a lot of people think that just because you read parenting or marriage books that you are trying to fix something that is broken. Or maybe they think that you have troubles parenting and what not. But in all honesty I love to read these type of books because I am just out here trying to be the best got damn parent, and wife, and PERSON that I can be! These books are written by professionals who have conducted studies and who truly know what they are talking about because they have studied within a certain field for years. I am just the type of person that is always looking to improve myself, so that I can be and live out the best version of Shezel. I recommend this book to all parents as it touches on things we already know to do, but also expands on the importance of not only a child's intellectual skills but also their emotional intelligence.

Happy Reading guys! XO