My Baby is TWO!

Hey guys! So I am going to warn you all from now that this post is coming from a super emotional mama, who cannot bring herself to believe that the baby she feels like she literally JUST had is two years old as of today. As mothers I feel like the one thing we say all the time and really and truly mean is, WHERE IN THE HECK DOES THE TIME GO!?!?! Because it literally just goes by so quickly. One day you have this little baby who is fully dependent on you, to all of a sudden having this fully grown-walking, talking and oh so curious toddler!

Anyways, I can tell you guys a little about why I am so emotional. I think it really is just because this journey of parenthood, alongside my amazing fiancée, has been anything but easy. But at the same time it has been the most rewarding, fun, knowledgeable and just all around best two years of my life. Everyday I mess up, no day is perfect but at the end of the day I can truly say that I have given my daughter all of me. All of my knowledge, all of my strength, all of my patience, love and every single thing that I possess inside of me just so that she feels secure and loved always. I had this child who has changed me for the better, and although some days I question things or even myself and my abilities as a parent deep down I know that everything that we experience and grow through together as a family is purposeful and is necessary for all of us; and in the end has and will continue to make us stronger as a unit.

Yesterday some one asked me if I regret my decision to take two years off of school to have, and then be home to spend time with Maya. And to that question I quickly answered NO. Because the truth is I believe that my daughter has instilled so much goodness in me ALREADY, and has taught me how to truly live and appreciate my own life as well as the lives of others. It has seriously been like this huge awakening for me. And I feel like Miss Maya Spencer came in to my life at the MOST perfect time, and I just would not have it any other way. School will always be there. Work will always be there. What is meant to be will be. I am more than happy and satisfied with the decisions I made, because I know I will be a better nurse, a better wife, a better daughter, a better person all because of my beautiful daughter and what she has taught me without even knowing it yet!

Today is such a special and emotional day for me. And I remember last year on this day I got so upset and angry about the little things that did not go right or as planned. I failed to recognize and truly feel grateful for the more important things on that day and every day. So this year I want to not only wish my daughter a Happy Birthday, but also truly relish in the gift of life that God has blessed us with and continues to bless us with as we watch our daughter flourish day by day!